Hike with Caravana Canina Rescue Dogs Ixtepeji Forest

Guided Hike: 10 km/ Fitness level: Beginner / Intermediate/ Group Size: Up to 8 people


We’ll meet nice and early at 8:00 AM at the Coyote Aventuras office for this hiking adventure with rescue dogs!  Once you get to the office, ring doorbell A to let your trip leader know that you’ve arrived.  This is a very special adventure for us because you’re going to be able to meet the furry friends that lighten up our lives!  Caravana Canina is our partner organization in Oaxaca and together we are actively taking concrete steps to deal with street dog overpopulation in the city and surrounding rural areas.

Collectively, we organize spay and neuter campaigns, foster programs, and search for dignified homes for abandoned animals in Oaxaca.  Once we introduce ourselves and you get to meet the lovely Caravana Canina pups that will be accompanying us on our journey, we’ll hop into the Coyote Van and head out to La Cumbre Ixtepeji.

Ixtepeji is a Zapotec community in the Sierra Norte about 45 minutes away from Oaxaca’s downtown area.  As we head out into the mountains your trip leader will explain different Caravana Canina initiatives, commenting on how the organization is combatting the pervasive issue of street dog overpopulation in the region.  Once we arrive at the communal ecopark in Ixtepeji, we’ll have little picnic of traditional foods, then begin to get ready for our hike!  Here, there are hikes that range from beginner to advanced and it will be up to the trip leader to decide what’s the best option for the group.

This is an opportunity for our dogs to gain some essential socialization skills and training.  Any dog that comes along on this journey will have some basic skills, but this is an opportunity to work with them and spend time healing any trauma they may have.  Dogs in Oaxaca can at times be a little shy with humans from past traumas or neglect.  This hike is an opportunity to shed some love on our incredible street pups.  Anybody coming along on this trip should feel safe and comfortable interacting with animals. We will select dog hiking companions based on need at the specific moment of reservation.

After our hike up into the communal ecopark we’ll head back down the mountain, stopping at one of our favorite lunch spots for some traditional Sierra Norte cuisine.  This region is known for its exquisite amarillo (yellow mole), among many other soups, stews, and trout that will feed your soul.  We’ll arrive back at the Coyote Aventuras Office around 5:00 PM after a long day of adventure with the pups.  We dearly thank you for supporting our mission to provide long term solutions to eliminate street dog neglect and abuse, fomenting a healthier relationship between humanity and our furry companions.

mapa ixtepeji


$2,500 MXN


We can only offer this tour if a minimum of 2 people sign up. If your tour doesn’t reach our target minimum of 2 travelers, the experience will be canceled, and you will receive a full refund.


Outdoor activities carry risks, and you may be exposed to dangerous situations as part of this experience. Make sure you can participate safely given your abilities and the conditions (such as location, weather, and equipment).

oaxaca travel with pets


8:00: Meet at Coyote Aventuras Office
8:15: Transport to Ixtepeji with Caravana Canina Rescue Dogs
9:00: Light Breakfast Picnic in the Forest
9:30: Begin Hiking
14:30: Arrive at the Car
15:30: Enjoy lunch at our favorite mountain comedor
17:00: Arrive at the Coyote Aventuras Office

tripod rescue dog portrait


Certified Guide
Drinks: water, coffee, tea, chocolate
Light Picnic
Trail Mix: nuts, almonds, cacao

adventure dog hike


Are you interested in a private tour?
Contact us if you don’t see your date available!
We will do our best to make special arrangements for you!

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Out of the Box

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